
More about me

Me selfie at Estes Park, Colorado, USA

Hey there! I’m Heiswayi Nrird, or just Wayi. I’m a Software Development Lead and UI/UX Specialist at Altera, an Intel company, based in Penang, 🇲🇾. Beyond the code, I find peace in landscape photography and occasionally dive into the thrill of competitive computer gaming.

This blog is my little corner of the internet. I don’t write very often, but when I do, it would be a place for me to share what’s on my mind. Sometimes it’s all about coding and tech, other times it’s just whatever pops into my head. Think of it as a chill hangout spot for my thoughts! ツ

  • LinkedIn — my career journey profile
  • GitHub — my code repository
  • Gist — scratchcodepad
  • Codeberg — my another code repository, but less GitHub-thingy
  • CodePen — web playground
  • JSFiddle — another web playground


  • I don’t do social media much, but feel free to reach me at [email protected] first — I check it often. ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ
  • For my verified digital identity, visit my Keyoxide.org Profile.

How this site is made?

This site is made using Jekyll, a static site generator, and NodeJS (gulp) to compile my SCSS files. The source code is hosted on my GitHub. It is built and served automatically by Cloudflare Pages. I manage my site domain (*.nrird.com) using Cloudflare DNS. Coded in VS Code editor with vscode-pets-enabled.

All of the services used are free of charge, except for my site domain.


The information on this site (“nrird.com/*”) is provided “as is” without warranty, and confers no rights. This site does not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans, or strategies of my employer. It is solely my opinion. My thoughts and opinions may change as I learn more and develop my understanding of the topics I am blogging about. This site provides a snapshot of my current knowledge, views, and opinions, which may change over time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints and to change them without providing any reason.


  • 2024 - Migrated my blog domain from heiswayi.nrird.com to nrird.com.